38. We’re Totally Macked!

Andy Pandy, aged 20¼
Tuesday 19th November, 1805
Bilibin’s house, Brunn, Austria

Dear Diary,

I’M SO EXCITED I CAN BARELY SLEEP! Tomorrow I’m going to see the Emperor (finally!) and I’m going to tell him all about my amazing victory! I’ve brushed my whole uniform so I’ll look ‘totally on fleek as heck’ (that’s one of my fresh new epigrams I’m trying to coin haha).

Bilibin is a really cool guy actually, he’s the head of a gang here ‘Les Nótres’ – they sound a bit scary. They’re having a gang brunch tomorrow, so hopefully I can impress them with the cool sayings I’ve been working on.

I WANT TO BE FAMOUS! Why don’t people see that I’m really, really good at being in the army and doing war stuff. One day I’ll be the most famous war hero in the whole world, then they’ll see!

Night night, diary xx